We solve businesses'
most daunting challenge:
finding their next customer.

Our mission is simple: we connect marketers with their true buying audience. We know people, better than anyone. And we know how to reach them, anywhere. Best of all, because we’re connecting you with actual individuals, we can accurately measure how well your campaign performs.

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Our Advantage Starts with our Audience of
Actual, Verified People

Built from our knowledge of people.

Our audience database of actual people allows us to pinpoint each person’s identity with confidence and precision. Our PII data is 100% secure, permissioned-based, opt-in, and CCPA, GDPR & CAN-SPAM compliant. In addition, we have complete ownership of our data.

We create each profile in BRIDGE CONNECT by matching an individual’s physical and email address to their actual digital, mobile, and offline behavior. Unlike providers who build profiles based on a postal address, our unique ability to create accurate, timely, and complete profiles of real people exceeds market standards and enables you to leverage our audience data to maintain the integrity of yours.

Data Solutions

Reach Actual People with Accuracy and Precision

BRIDGE is built on the belief that businesses should have access to affordable, robust data solutions. We make data easy to use, transparent, and deliver results that the business owner can see.

Find Your Next Customer

Acquire new business by creating a set of customers that look like your ideal customers with similar lifestyles, interests, consumption behaviors, & more.

Better Understand Customers

We connect online and offline attributes to build a complete picture, enabling you to learn more about your customers and create deeper relationships with them.

Maintain File Integrity

We help you maintain the integrity of your data file with our high quality data. Create accurate, timely and complete profiles of real people.

Full-Service Media Delivery

Fueling Connections Between Marketers
and Actual People

3 Simple Steps

1. Choose who you want to connect with

If you have existing customer information, we can harness it— and if you don't, you can use our people-based platform of 250 million verified humans to target gamers, fitness enthusiasts, and everything in between.

2. Reach them anywhere

We'll create an ad for you, or you can bring your own. Then we'll deliver it to real people where they're most likely to engage: mobile, display, social, Connected TV, audio, paid search— our algorithm does the work.

3. Real results

We'll show you how we did: how many people were driven to your website, who engaged with your message, or who visited your store. No smoke screens. No vague metrics. Just real results.

Verified Individuals

We have 250 million verified humans in our platform, from fitness enthusiasts in Maine to gamers in Omaha. What’s more? Our data is affordable, accessible, and easy to use.

Valued Partners

BRIDGE is a trusted data provider and partner for over 1000 partners.

No Cookies, No Problem
Navigating a Cookieless Future

Learn how to thrive in a post-cookie world. Build trust and success with consent-based, people-driven strategies.

Our Success Stories

Because we target actual people, we get actual results. Our success stories are proof— digital marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Our insights make things easy. Explore our full library

Programmatic Audio

Programmatic Audio campaign connects with 1M+ Actual People.

National Furniture Retailer

Custom audience and multichannel campaign drive 13M in revenue.


Ready to get started?

We’re here to answer any questions you may have. Reach out, we’d love to chat.