How to audit your paid search strategy and make sure you’re not wasting money

Let’s talk about a free paid search audit.

You know that paid search is vital to finding your next customer. And you’re familiar with the essentials of doing it right. But you still have specific questions about your paid search account and whether you’re capturing as many customers as possible with the budget at your disposal.

Are you reaching the right people? Are your campaigns as targeted as possible? Where are you wasting valuable marketing dollars? This is where a free paid search audit comes in.

Audits are necessary because they allow you to glean insights from an outside source that may have different (or better) ways of looking at an account. They may be able to identify areas where you’re wasting money and/or help you recognize what’s working so you can double down on those efforts. And a free audit provides all of this at no risk (if you’d like a free paid search audit, reach out to us here).

The quick and easy audit

Google dedicates an entire section in your account to Recommendations, a section that does just what you’d expect it to, providing recommendations meant to increase campaign performance. The Recommendations page looks at your account’s performance history, campaign settings, and trends across Google to automatically generate advice.

The recommendations are broken into five categories: “ads and extensions,” “bids and budgets,” “keywords and targeting,” “repairs,” and “ad suggestions.”

While many of Google’s suggestions can help improve account performance, be wary of implementing all of them. And be especially wary of implementing them all at once. Instead, evaluate the opportunities on a case-by-case basis and implement the ones you’re interested in one at a time. This will allow you to effectively evaluate the impact of each recommendation.

Getting free professional help with your search audit

Even if you have an in-house specialist, performing your own audit isn’t the best idea. Biases can creep in, and you want a fresh set of eyes on your account. What you need is an unbiased, expert second opinion from a paid search specialist.

You need someone who can review and make recommendations around everything from account setup and goals to settings and targeting. You’ll learn exactly what’s working for you, and just as importantly, what’s not working for you. You’ll walk away knowing if your account is being managed properly and what changes you can make that will have the largest impact.

This is where a free Bridge paid search audit comes into play. All you need to do is provide Bridge with read-only access to your Google Ads account and our paid search experts will take it from there.

You’ll figure out what’s working and what’s not. Again, it’s free.

Why are your campaigns not driving the results you want? That’s the first thing an audit will tell you.

If there are just a few minor suggestions made by Bridge, you can make those changes and move right along. If there are deeper issues, such as failing to leverage audience targeting, an inefficient account structure, or anything else unique to your business, Bridge can help you implement those changes.

If you’re not getting the results you want out of your paid search ads (or if you’re just not sure) a free audit is an excellent way to gain insight and quickly resolve weaknesses in your account setup.

Get in touch for a free audit, as well as a short presentation outlining any opportunities to improve your paid search performance. You’ve got nothing to lose.

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