Audience Insights Connected TV People-Based Marketing Targeting
football marketing campaign

Football is Back! Gear Up Your Marketing Campaigns for the Season

The 2024 football season is upon us, and live sports are back in full swing—bigger and better than ever! After the disruptions caused by the pandemic, which severely limited spectator attendance in 2020, the sports industry faced significant financial challenges. However, the return of packed stadiums and high viewership has reignited opportunities for teams, advertisers, […]

Audience Insights Data Identity Resolution
bridge connect

Meet BRIDGE CONNECT℠ | Consumer Audience Database That is Accurate, Timely, & Complete

Our Consumer Audience Database That is Accurate, Timely, & Complete The digital advertising industry has a major problem. Only one-quarter of all digital ad spend ever reaches actual people.  At BRIDGE, we have the solution. Meet BRIDGE CONNECT℠, our consumer audience database that is accurate, timely, and complete. We’ve always been known for the power […]

Multi-Channel Social Media TikTok
increase brand exposure on tiktok

Increase Brand Exposure | Benefits of Advertising on TikTok Ch. 1

TikTok has taken the social media world by storm and currently is one of the hottest social media platforms with over 100 million active users in the US.
With all the opportunities and benefits TikTok, it is hard to cover them all in just one blog post. I’ve broken down what you need to know into four parts and will share a new insight each week.

Let’s get started with the first benefit: increased brand exposure.

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