Welcome to our monthly audience round-up where we focus on the most promising groups to market to for optimal engagement. This February, we’re stepping up to the plate with a unique audience mix. Whether it is baseball fans eagerly awaiting the spring season, cooking enthusiasts looking to spice up their culinary skills, furniture shoppers keen […]
When it comes to luxury car sales, standing out in a competitive market can be a challenge. This was the case for a dealership located in Dallas-Fort Worth, which was looking to gain new business from both current and potential customers. To achieve this goal, the dealership turned to BRIDGE’s powerful first party data to […]
Don’t Miss Out On These Featured First Party Audiences for December At BRIDGE, our mission is clear: to connect marketers with their true buying audience. In a world full of marketing noise, we pride ourselves on truly understanding people on an individual level. Unlike other providers, we’ll never target using cookies or without knowing the […]
Are you looking for a way to get your content seen by the right people? Are you tired of burning through advertising budget while never quite hitting the mark? It’s no secret that when it comes to the success of any digital campaign, targeting is key. It’s so impactful, in fact, that targeted advertising has […]
Businesses are continuously seeking innovative digital strategies to reach and engage their target audience effectively. One such game-changer is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into digital marketing practices. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and automate processes, AI has transformed the way businesses connect with their customers. It seems that the […]
Exploring pseudo-anonymized data performance woes and plotting a path ahead There’ve been experiments where monkeys are just as likely to make a good or bad stock pick as the experts. Could the same scenario be playing out when it comes to identifying a “targeted” audience for serving up digital ads? The answer is an emphatic […]
Looking from the inside out, we can all develop blindspots when attempting to assess how our own industry may become disrupted. Or how vulnerable our own businesses may be to this disruption. Peering in from the outside is often a lot easier. It became pretty clear Uber and Lyft were going to throw taxi markets […]
Don’t let Google control your cookieless destiny Suddenly, marketers need options. Here’s why you should forge your own path this time. If you build it, they will come. And spend hundreds of billions of dollars. And be beholden to you forever. (Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha….) That’s the Google business model. I guess “Don’t be evil” just had a […]
Down with the middle man! Too many tolls on the path to publisher ad profits Why today’s $200B programmatic paradigm just doesn’t hold water There was a game we played as kids. A few lines would form and each person at the front would start with a full bucket of water. They’d dump it behind […]
How Social Media Can Elevate Your Small Business Social media has paved the way for businesses to get their message across to new audiences. With over 3.2 billion users worldwide, it comes as no surprise that many businesses have turned to this digital marketing solution to reach new customers, increase sales, and drive online and […]