Your next customer is out there. It’s time to get your marketing messages in front of the right people using our custom segments.
The TV industry is at a crossroads on how to accurately measure TV audiences across all platforms. The answer? PII.
The dominoes are falling on data providers who fail to meet privacy standards. Fully permissioned PII is the path forward.
In the wake of GDPR and other data privacy protocols, marketers need to find a way to empower customers with clear consent.
Cookies are going away and Big Tech players are trying to find a quick fix for ad personalization. The latest fix? Google Topics.
Small businesses stand on the front lines of a battle with inflation, bringing new urgency to maximize marketing ROI.
And now it’s time for a breakdown Our last post focused on the hidden value of data trapped in silos. Today we’ll cover the steps B2B and B2C companies can take right now to break this data free in pursuit of improved profitability. The past 18 months threw many companies for a loop. Many attempted to […]
What most companies can’t get right Why you don’t know your customers as well as you’d like to If you visited a Radio Shack at any point in the 90s, you’ll recall the ritual of providing your complete contact info for every purchase. Buy a huge roof antenna? “Name, address, and phone number, please.” A […]
Is your data supply chain futureproof? Five musts for setting an ethical, enduring data strategy The tumbleweeds aren’t rolling through yet, but the days of Wild West-style approaches to digital advertising are numbered. What started as a gold rush ultimately turned into a race to the bottom. There was no shortage of data, no matter […]
Massive changes ranging from government regulation to moves by big tech players are coming and they are threatening marketers’ ability to build relationships with consumers. These changes include: Disparate local data privacy laws from state to state is challenging and costly, creating confusion for marketers and consumers alike. This causes tension, distrust, and complexity. Hardening […]