Best Practices Marketing Multi-Channel People-Based Marketing Programmatic Targeting Technology

Craft Meaningful Audience Connections via Multichannel Marketing

Connecting with the right audience is vital in today’s marketing landscape. Multichannel advertising is the key to achieving this goal effectively. So much so that businesses that adopt a multichannel marketing strategy see a 91% higher customer retention rate each year.  Multichannel marketing includes the use of multiple digital channels to reach and engage with […]

Best Practices Data Marketing Media Multi-Channel People-Based Marketing Retargeting Technology
person planning media mix by hand

Why Run Everywhere Campaigns Over A Self-Curated Media Mix

Are you smarter than a computer? Maximizing your advertising budget and ensuring effective audience targeting are crucial goals for any advertiser. However, it’s important to recognize that building your own media mix or relying on generic audience targeting may not yield optimal results, potentially leaving valuable resources untapped.  Adalytics reports that 80% of video ad […]