What comes after cookies is more obvious than many ad tech companies would like to admit. IAB held its Tech Lab Summit earlier this month. These gatherings convene digital ad players for honest debate and discussion about big-picture tech challenges. And honest they were. IAB Tech Lab CEO Anthony Katsur has been sounding the warning […]
Is there such a thing as going too far to protect consumer privacy? Consumers themselves seem to think so. See why in our latest blog.
We think advertising approaches based on limited PII are most effective when they are rooted in respect for the consumer as people. See why.
The TV industry is at a crossroads on how to accurately measure TV audiences across all platforms. The answer? PII.
The dominoes are falling on data providers who fail to meet privacy standards. Fully permissioned PII is the path forward.
In the wake of GDPR and other data privacy protocols, marketers need to find a way to empower customers with clear consent.
Cookies are going away and Big Tech players are trying to find a quick fix for ad personalization. The latest fix? Google Topics.
Small businesses stand on the front lines of a battle with inflation, bringing new urgency to maximize marketing ROI.
Is your data supply chain futureproof? Five musts for setting an ethical, enduring data strategy The tumbleweeds aren’t rolling through yet, but the days of Wild West-style approaches to digital advertising are numbered. What started as a gold rush ultimately turned into a race to the bottom. There was no shortage of data, no matter […]
It seems lately, Big Tech should have everything to fear, including fear itself. Regulators are coming for them. As are the press. Heck, they’re even coming for each other. They’ve got gazillions of dollars and endless resources, they’re going to be just fine. But hopefully, by now, one thing is clear: they will pivot at […]