Mass market solutions and platforms built for the biggest budgets won’t cut it for brands that need to granularly target actual people as cost-effectively as possible. Soon, only crumbs will be left in the ad tech cookie jar. All the bakers are shutting down. A few attempts were made to produce a product that was […]
Marketers are finally coming to terms with the fact that they can’t have their cookies and eat them too. Big Tech has begun maneuvering to escape the crosshairs of regulators, lawmakers, and privacy advocates alike, beginning with Google’s announcement that they will be disabling third-party cookies in 1% of global Chrome users. Good riddance. In […]
At Amazon’s re:Invent conference, BRIDGE was named as a trusted resource in database technology. Our collaboration with AWS Clean Rooms ML, ensures secure and quality data for unparalleled insights, so you’ll know your data’s in safe hands. As industry leaders in data quality, we take pride in our ability to help companies find their next […]
Digital marketing continues to evolve by leaps and bounds. One of these exciting evolutions is the use of first-party data for marketing. But what is first-party data? How will it help you reach your target audience more effectively? Let’s take a closer look at why this type of data is so important and how it […]
Shakespeare Would Have Been A Great Digital Marketer “What’s past is prologue.” Shakespeare wasn’t talking about purchase data but he sure was right on the money. We in marketing spend an enormous amount of energy attempting to predict what will drive consumer behavior. It’s a tale as old as time! In the digital age of […]
What comes after cookies is more obvious than many ad tech companies would like to admit. IAB held its Tech Lab Summit earlier this month. These gatherings convene digital ad players for honest debate and discussion about big-picture tech challenges. And honest they were. IAB Tech Lab CEO Anthony Katsur has been sounding the warning […]
Is there such a thing as going too far to protect consumer privacy? Consumers themselves seem to think so. See why in our latest blog.
We think advertising approaches based on limited PII are most effective when they are rooted in respect for the consumer as people. See why.
The TV industry is at a crossroads on how to accurately measure TV audiences across all platforms. The answer? PII.
The dominoes are falling on data providers who fail to meet privacy standards. Fully permissioned PII is the path forward.