Your next customer is out there. It’s time to get your marketing messages in front of the right people using our custom segments.
The TV industry is at a crossroads on how to accurately measure TV audiences across all platforms. The answer? PII.
The number of consumer data privacy bills increased from 2019 to 2020, with bills considered in at least 30 states and Puerto Rico. This is exemplary of how marketers are being forced to consider continually increasing restrictions regarding privacy each year. The need to reach customers in more personalized ways has continued to grow as […]
Down with the middle man! Too many tolls on the path to publisher ad profits Why today’s $200B programmatic paradigm just doesn’t hold water There was a game we played as kids. A few lines would form and each person at the front would start with a full bucket of water. They’d dump it behind […]
The advertising industry is constantly adapting and optimizing to new consumer trends. As we all know, the previous year brought on many changes to daily life and behaviors. So what is the newest fad in consumer lives and the advertising world? Programmatic Audio. What is Programmatic Audio? Programmatic Audio refers to ads delivered through digital […]
What is CTV? Connected TV(CTV) refers to the televisions used to stream video content over the internet, such as smart TVs and devices connected to TVs (Roku stick, Apple TV, etc). Another common industry acronym often paired with Connected TV is OTT. Over-the-top(OTT) media is the content streamed to any internet-enabled device. Examples include Hulu, […]
People-based marketing is a data-driven approach to targeting and engaging with individual customers. It focuses on building personalized relationships with customers by using their behavior, preferences, and interests to tailor marketing efforts specifically for them. This type of marketing has emerged as a response to the saturation of traditional mass marketing methods. With the rise […]
People-based marketing is a powerful strategy that has transformed the advertising industry. It focuses on creating personalized experiences for consumers, based on their behavior, interests and preferences. By understanding and targeting individuals instead of broad demographics, people-based marketing allows businesses to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. Traditionally, advertising […]
In today’s digital landscape, connecting with consumers has become increasingly challenging. Traditional marketing tactics such as email campaigns and banner ads have lost their effectiveness due to oversaturation and the rise of ad blockers. As a result, businesses are turning towards people-based marketing – a strategy that puts the focus on individuals rather than broad […]
In today’s digital world, customers expect personalized and relevant interactions with brands. As a result, traditional marketing methods are becoming less effective in driving customer engagement. This is where people-based marketing comes into play. So what exactly is people-based marketing? It’s an approach that uses data to create personalized user experiences across multiple channels. Unlike […]